Monday Evening Ladies Bible Study (Beginning 1/6)
Leaders: Janice Hucks and Heather Boyle
Location: Chapel
Time: Monday evenings 6:45pm-8:15pm (Beginning 1/6)
What: Come and join us for discussions on The Bible Recap.  For more information or to sign up email Janice Hucks at PICCMondayLadies@gmail.com.

Tuesday Evening Ladies Bible Study
Leader: Jen Smoak
Location: Ministry House
Time: 5:30pm
What: “Don’t Give The Enemy a Seat At Your Table” on RightNow Media. Contact Jen at 843.817.8079 if you would like to participate.

Tuesday Morning Men’s Bible Study
Leader: Fred Graf
Location: Eggs Up Grill Pawleys Island
Time: Tuesday Mornings, 7:30-8:30a
Studying the book of Romans.

Tuesday Morning Ladies Bible Study (Beginning 1/14)
Leader: Ministry Team
Location: Anchor
Time: Tuesday Mornings, 10am-12pm
What: Bring your Bible as we study the book of Acts, verse by verse. No additional workbook needed. For more information, email Terri Powell (terrihpowell@gmail.com)

Wednesday Morning Ladies Bible Study (Beginning 3/5/25)
Leader: Denise Deahl; Nelle Neal
Location: Ministry House
Time: Wednesday Mornings, 10:30am
What:“Don’t Give The Enemy a Seat At Your Table” on RightNow Media. Study guides are available for $10.

For more information please complete the form below